The Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce (LCCUK) was established in 2008 as there was a need for an organisation in the United Kingdom that would connect Lithuanian owned businesses, through various events organised to raise awareness of the good deeds done and the businesses established in United Kingdom.

LCCUK is an organisation that helps Lithuanian and United Kingdom businesses trade amongst each other and create invaluable contacts through extensive networking events. Our primary goal is to support our members and help them grow as well as to maintain exceptional business standards.

LCCUK is not only a business organisation, we also take pride in our social events that are there for good causes such as our White dinner or Christmas ball. Our golf and tennis tournament is part of our summer event, where members enjoy team sports and socialise.

LCCUK takes pride of Lithuanian nationals who seek to establish businesses that create workplaces for thousands of people in Lithuania and the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, we tie all of the chambers in the United Kingdom together and provide widespread opportunities for both Lithuanian nationals and other businesses that form part of our organisation and membership.

Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom Limited

If you have any comments or suggestions we would love to hear from you, simply contact us via the on line form or one of the alternative methods.

Meat our team

Meet our Members

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled & demoralized our power of choice.